Rate rise calculator - Rosinca

Rate rise calculator

Your current mortgage

Please enter a valid mortgage balance

What is your outstanding mortgage balance?

£ e.g.125000

What type of mortgage do you have?

Please enter a valid Year/Month

How long do you have left on your mortgage?

e.g.15 Years
e.g.3 Months
Please enter a valid Interest Rate

What is your current interest rate?

e.g.2.5 %
If interest rates rise by
Current rate 0.25% 0.50% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 5.00%
your monthly payment will be* 0.00
An increase of 0.00

Results – How could interest rate rises affect your monthly payment?

If your mortgage
interest rate rises by…


…then your monthly
payments could increase by

But if your mortgage
interest rate rises by…


…then your monthly
payments could increase by

Your monthly payment (£)
Change in interest rate (%) Your monthly payment (£) Color Increase of
+0.00% 208.00 #cf1741
+0.25% 229.00 #97268e
+0.50% 250.00 #97268e
+1.00% 291.67 #97268e
+2.00% 375.00 #97268e
+3.00% 458.33 #97268e
Edit details

The results of this calculator are based on several assumptions that may not apply to your mortgage. They should only be used as a guide as they are indicative only.

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